St. Pat's Youth Ministry Calendar

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Family Praise Night!

On Saturday August 7th at 7pm, The Journey invites all parishioners, especially parents to experience our praise and worship night, known as ADORE! when we sponsor an evening filled with contemporary music, inspirational teen testimonies and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

The Journey would like to share what youth ministry is all about and the spirituality found though it, so please join us in this community celebration!

We night will begin at 6:30p.m. up at the St. Patrick House Patio with a slide show. All are invited to attend (not recommended for small children) and experience the youthful prayer in our parish. There is no cost for this night. It’s all about Jesus in the Sacrament and prayer!

Hope to see you there!

Mass on the Beach 2010

Mass on the Beach is for all high school teens on Monday August 2nd. St. Pat’s meets up with other Catholic Youth groups and has a day of “fun in the Son” and celebrates Mass, right on Balboa Beach!

Registration for this event begins July 8th.Cost is $15. Very Limited Space available.

You may register for this event after Teen Mass, at The Journey or by calling Rosanne Orosco at 951-485-6673 x119.

Please print out the Liability Form & Code of Conduct and have it filled out when you pay!

You may find the forms here:

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Youth Ministry Retreats 2010-2011

Mark your calendars for these upcoming retreats that will be offered by St. Patrick Youth Ministry in 2010-2011.

If you are wondering what these retreats actually cover and what they're about OR are asking what the retreat requirement is for Confirmation. We've got your answers right here:

Confirmation II 2010-2011

If you have been enrolled with the St. Patrick Confirmation Program for Pre-Catechesis and Confirmation I, please be looking in your mail for the following information! However, here is the digital copy of the letter early!

Dear Confirmation Candidate,

Words cannot express how thrilled we are to be teaching your
Confirmation class this year! We feel so strongly that this year is
vital to the formation of your faith and we are already brimming
with ideas and excitement about this year’s Confirmation

For your information, we have created this Confirmation II Candidate Packet. This
packet will provide you with important information for you as you embark on this
important journey.

This packet is divided into sections. Each section has details about this year’s
class and the requirements that you must fulfill in order to be confirmed. Please
understand that we are learning as you are learning and that certain items,
especially dates may change. We will make every effort to give you and your
parents as much notice as possible in order to accommodate everyone’s busy

Our expectations of you are included in this packet. If you ever have any
questions, please feel free to contact any of us at the numbers and email
addresses below. It is our greatest prayer that you will enjoy this year as you grow
in your faith and that, together; we can all do our part to make this world a
wonderful place.

Alesia Jester
St. Patrick Catholic Church
Coordinator of Youth Ministry & Confirmation
951.485.6673 x119

For questions regarding Confirmation while Alesia is on leave, please contact:
Brian Jones
Confirmation II Lead
Please go HERE to get the digital files of the following:
  • Confirmation II Information Packet, including: St. Patrick Confirmation II Policy and Calendar for 2010-2011
  • Candidate Information Form
  • Sponsor Packet